Even if you have been writing for a long time, you may not know what those funny looking bags that bikers sometimes attach to their motorcycles. What are some critical questions to ask before you get your saddlebags and while you are looking for the right ones?

What the heck are saddlebags?

These are the bags that are attached to your motorcycle when you go on your rides. You often will see them used when the rider is going on a long trip but you may also see them on shorter trips that you may see people taking. They can be made up of many different kinds of materials and many kinds of styles for you to choose from. These bags have been around as long as motorcycling itself.

Why would you want to use them?

When you start with your motorcycling adventure, you may want to think about getting these saddlebags for your next trip from your local motorcycle gear shop. You are able to get some of the things that you need in these bags and that makes it easier to carry things on your trip. Even if you are going only a short distance, you can use these bags to hold the basics for your emergency motorcycle repairs. Some riders use a backpack to hold what they may need to take with them, but this can be hard on the back. Using saddlebags to carry these heavier items, will make your ride more comfortable and fun.

What are the differences between each kind of motorcycle?

There are many kinds of motorcycles that you may have and need to find a storage bag for. A traditional saddlebag is good for usage on a street motorcycle such as a Harley Davidson brand. You may also want to look for a different kind of saddlebag for a different kind of motorcycle called a sport bike. These are made for speed instead of really having a comfortable ride. Your saddlebags will vary depending on what kind of bike that you have.

There are many kinds of saddlebags that you may find and want to use, you really have to know what style and what kind of bike that you want to use it with. That way you will be able to find a bag that is good for your needs and for your motorcycle type.

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